Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I've got a headache already and it's only 10:30am

Well this morning was quite crazy. The girls and I needed to run to Target before a birthday party they were going to at 10:30. Today they got up at 8:35 and I needed to change and feed them so we could be out the door at 9:30. My wonderful hubby got them changed and I fed them. Veraty wasn't eating very well and for those if you who know her, she is a eater! I didn't think much of it so off we went to Target. Veraty was looking quite tired for just waking up a little bit ago. We went through the whole store got just what we needed (which was an accomplishment in itself) and as we are getting close to the check out Veraty pukes all over herself. Not one, not two, but three times and it was alot. Ahhhhhhh! All I could do was watch her and I tried to catch a little in a burp rag I was using for her runny nose. Most ended up in a huge puddle of yogurt and oatmeal on the floor, but she looked like she felt much better. A nice lady that watch the whole thing brought me some of her wet wipes and then 4 Target team members rushed over to help clean up. The whole thing was quite entertaining but now we are home and she is washed up and asleep. As for Karma she didn't get to go to the birthday party and she cried all the way home about it.


firecrackerjulie said...

Ah, the joys of motherhood! I am sure the Target people have seen and dealt with much worse though, thankfully :) Remind me to tell you a gross Target story I was told once!

vanessa said...

Sorry for how your day went, but the memories will be something. The day you were in Target, I'm sure the employees will also have something to talk about for years. I also feel bad that Karma missed the birthday party, but there will be others, hopefully she won't get the bug. Well at least Vera is resting.

Burke said...

The title of your post sucked me right in & I'll admit I was totally entertained. That story was so hilarious! Thanks for sharing, it brightened my day and oddly enough made me look forward to motherhood. Is that weird?

Jenny Ramsey said...

oh rotovirus season....what a joy! i'm so sorry. i am 100% anti-barf so i am in awe at how well you handled the situation...i would have been curled up in a ball crying.